You Can Never Be Too Rich or Too Fit

The beauty we focus on is not limited to the beauty of the face and of the makeup.  As women, we are preprogramed from birth to focus on our body types.  If you know me, you know I am a fitness enthusiast, exercise junkie, and have a black belt in karate-do which I would not have been able to get if I wasn’t focused on being physically fit.  So when I chanced upon this article on Marie Claire, I was surprised to find that it rang true for my life.

Extreme Exercise is a habit among fitness enthusiasts where they just can’t stop the exercise madness.  They are overcome with a feeling of anxiety when they can’t work out, and even reorganize their day to day lives around their exercise routines.  Some even go so far as to cancel plans with friends, isolate themselves, just so they don’t have to miss a work out.  

Not only is extreme exercise a disassociative habit, it also leaves the body exhausted, prone to injury, and has the complete opposite effect that is desired when working out. 

The article states that the one for sure warning sign to tell if your workout habits have become extreme is if you feel anxious when you are not working out. 

It’s a good read for any fitness enthusiast, and interesting even if you are nowhere near the edge of extreme.  The information gave a lot of validation for things that I had been experiencing in the past, and for the changes I had made to my life and exercise goals.

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